Secure your artwork's authenticity with digital certificates your clients will appreciate

See how it works

Built for artists!

1. Create

Create your digital certificate quickly, including details, images, instructions, and more.

2. Transfer

Easily transfer the certificate to the new owner by entering their email address when you sell your art.

3. Earn

Effortlessly track your art's history and earn royalties on future sales.


Track the entire history of your artwork from the date of creation to every single sale, transfer or donation


Digital certificates last forever! Even the trasfer data will be available forever thanks to blockchain technology


Blockchain knowledge and experince is not required, easy to create and transfer digital certificates via email


Have your certificate work for you, set and earn royalties from every sale made on the blockchain network


Digital certificates are protected by cryptography technology to ensure validity and authenticity


Manage a digital archive of your work and display your art in dozens of marketplaces on the Ethereum network


Your artwork is safe from forgers and bad actors as it is impossible to copy or forge digital certificates


Once your certificate is created it can never be altered or changed, not even by CertSeal

Track your art.

Build trust and connect with future clients with ease. Each sale, transfer, and donation is recorded on the digital certificate, establishing a verified history of the artwork. 

Digital made easy.

Print and attach a QR code to your artwork for easy validation. Just scan the QR code to verify the artwork and access its full history with ease.

0% fees.

We mint our certificates to the same blockchain network as GameStop and take advantage of the Layer 2 technologies. This allows us to provide 0% fees for you and your clients when creating, transferring, listing and managing your certificates, all within a secure and trusted ecosystem!

Beautiful anywhere.

Our certificates of authenticity are designed to look great and function seamlessly on any device. Your artwork's ID deserves to look good!

Secure your value.

Our digital certificates are tamper-proof, making it virtually impossible for bad actors to pass off fakes as your work. Rest assured that your artwork is protected and its authenticity is safeguarded.

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Frequently asked questions

What is CertSeal?
CertSeal is a cutting-edge software start-up focused on delivering digital certificates of authenticity that instill value and trust. Our innovative use of blockchain and cryptography technology ensures the creation, security, and seamless transfer of certificates of authenticity.
Do I need to know blockchain?
Absolutely not! Our app is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. Creating a certificate is as simple as filling out a form, and transferring it only requires the new owner's email address. You can enjoy the security and benefits of blockchain without needing to understand the technology. We handle all the technical aspects behind the scenes.

For seasoned collectors with prior knowledge of blockchain, we offer the option to transfer certificates to your personal wallet. Plus, we have zero fees for creating and transferring your digital certificates of authenticity, making it even more convenient for blockchain enthusiasts."
What happens to my certificates if CertSeal goes out of business?
Although we do not plan for this to ever happen, the good news is in the unlikely event that CertSeal closes its doors, any certificates you have created will still be available, thanks to blockchain technology. 

Your certificates of authenticity have a life span of infinity. As long as the internet exists, you will be able to view, verify and even transfer your certificates.
How do I transfer a digital certificate to the new owner?
To transfer your digital certificate, simply provide the email address of the new owner.

The new owner will receive an email with a link to accept the certificate, and they have 24 hours to complete the acceptance process. If they fail to do so, the transfer will be cancelled.

If the new owner doesn't have an account, they can create one for free within seconds, and the certificate will be automatically transferred to their account. For a visual guide, we recommend watching our 3-minute "how it works" video.
Will my clients need to pay anything?
Your clients will not have to pay anything at all. Our app is free to use for collectors forever, they will be able to receive, manage and transfer their certificates for free.
Is there a cost?
Yes, as we exit our beta we will have paid plans available for creating certificates. To use our platform there will be no cost so your clients will have the ability to fully manage their collections with CertSeal all for free. We only charge for creating certificates and we have created pricing plans with artists in mind and we hope there is an option for everyone. Please visit our pricing page for more details.
Can I design my own certificate?
We are adding custom certificates of authenticity templates but if you do not like any of the presets we have created, reach out to [email protected] saying you would like a custom certificate and we will help you out.  This process will require you to design a certificate in SVG format that meets our specifications such as including areas for certain fields & information. We also require you to have an area on the certificate where a QR code would be displayed.

Protect Your Art Today!

We Are CertSeal

Certificates Of Authenticity you can trust meant for collectors, artists and investors!
Copyright 2023 CertSeal all rights reserved.