How do I create a Certificate of Authenticity?

To create digital certificates of authenticity you first need to be an Artist or an agent/gallery manager role. When you sign-up you will have picked your role, if you chose "I am an investor/collector" you will not be able to create certificates. Reach out to [email protected] if you would like your role changed.

Step 1: Choose a certificate template

From the main menu, click "certificates" to go to the certificates page. Click the "Create" button in the header. This will launch you into the create certificate flow.

Step 2: Fill out details

First, select your template from one of the options available. We are currently adding more templates, however, if you don't like any of the templates you see and would prefer a custom template, reach out to [email protected] and we will help you with your custom certificate design.

The next step is to add your images and detailed information about your artwork

Item Name:

The name of the artwork/certificate.

Item Images:

Upload up to 5 images representing your artwork. Include things like different angles as well as close up shots of any important details such as autograph or signature

Artist Name:

The name of the artist of the artwork

Item Identifier Number:

This is a unique number for the artwork. Each certificate should have its own unique number matching the artwork to help with authenticity verification. Most artists will number their artworks, this field helps track the unique piece.


The material of the artwork, ie: canvas, painting, photograph, print, etc

Year Completed:

The date the artwork was created

Item Description:

Describe the artwork you are certifying or any details related to its creation. The story behind the artwork or whatever you wish to say about the artwork.

Paper Specification:

This is an optional field for prints on paper. The description of the material the artwork is printed on.

Special Instructions:

This is an optional field. Describe any special instructions you want future owners to follow.


The category of the artwork/item being certified. Contact [email protected] if you would like more categories added.


Dimensions (width, length, height) of the artwork.

Frame Dimensions:

The dimensions of the frame. This is an optional field.

Frame Details:

This is an optional field. Describe the frame in detail for future owners to help with authenticity verification. Be descriptive such as "red oak wood frame, small scratch on the top left corner, paint chip underside". The more specific you can be, the easier it will be to verify authenticity for future owners.

Is It Signed?:

This is an optional field. If the artwork is signed or autographed, enter the name of the person who signed it.

Is It Part Of An Edition?:

This is an optional field. Details of the edition for artworks that have one original and many prints.

Include Royalties?:

The percent of royalties you want for sales. We allow a max of 5% for artists. CertSeal also takes a 3% royalty. You will receive royalties for each sale made on the blockchain. We are working on adding non-blockchain payments.

Before you create your certificate it is vitally important to review the information a second time. Because blockchain is immutable by default, we cannot alter or edit any of the information ever again. Once you are confident all of the information is correct, click "Create" and you're done!

Step 3: Review

At this stage, a member of our team will review your certificate for approval. You will receive an email when your certificate is approved and minted to the blockchain.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.

Protect Your Art Today!

We Are CertSeal

Certificates Of Authenticity you can trust meant for collectors, artists and investors!
Copyright 2023 CertSeal all rights reserved.