When you first login to our app you will be greeted with a setup wizard. In this wizard the first question we ask you is how will you use CertSeal.
As a first-time user it can be confusing to know which role to pick, in this article we will help you identify which role is right for you.
The investor/collector role is meant for users who received a certificate and don't have any plans to create new certificates of their own. This will be the role selected for a majority of users and is free to use, forever. You are free to manage any certificate you receive and can freely send any certificates for free. We do not charge collectors or investors any fees.
If you are an artist looking to secure and protect your artwork with our digital certificates of authenticity, then this is the role for you. You will be able to create and manage your certificates. Currently, we don't have pricing plans so any certificate you create during our launch phase you will be able to keep and use in perpetuity.
If you are an agent or gallery manager that wants to create certificates on behalf of someone else, or, you are a hobby shop or event manager looking to create certificates for an event, or, you are a community or faculty manager looking to create certificates for people, this would be the role you for you. This role is only recommended for enterprise customers.
Hopefully, that provides more context around the different roles, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]