Do I need to know blockchain?

Not at all! We have designed our app to be user-friendly and easy to use. Although we use blockchain to secure, store and track your certificates, we do it in the background so you don't have to worry about wallets, gas fees or secret keys. All you need to worry about is creating your certificate […]

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I don't know what role to pick

When you first login to our app you will be greeted with a setup wizard. In this wizard the first question we ask you is how will you use CertSeal. As a first-time user it can be confusing to know which role to pick, in this article we will help you identify which role is […]

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Why do you ask for first name and location?

We ask for your first name and location for record keeping and providing a better user experience. Your first name and location will appear on your public profile, however you have the option to turn this off and instead only your username will be shown. We take privacy seriously, we give you all the controls […]

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I didn't receive an activation code

Sometimes email are blocked at the ISP level so they are re-routed to junk mail. Often times this is the problem so if you notice you have not gotten an email within 5 - 10 minutes and its not in the junk/spam folder, please reach out to support and we will be happy to help!

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How do I create a new account?

You may create a new account for free by visiting By default your account will be 'free' tier which comes with a few limitations however you will still be able to use our app and try it out without any obligation. If you are having troubles registering due to an error, please contact support […]

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Protect Your Art Today!

We Are CertSeal

Certificates Of Authenticity you can trust meant for collectors, artists and investors!
Copyright 2023 CertSeal all rights reserved.