How do I buy/sell certificates?

As we are in beta, we currently only support payments via Ethereum. Although we have plans to incorporate credit card payments for purchases in the near future, as of now the only way to list, sell and buy CertSeal certificates of authenticity is with Ethereum. Selling certificates You won't need to do anything special in […]

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How do royalties work?

One of the most exciting features of our digital certificates of authenticity is their ability to earn ongoing royalties for the artist. So how does it work? When you create a certificate of authenticity with CertSeal you are the owner of the certificate. To change ownership you have two options. Transfer If the sale of […]

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I have wallets can I transfer my certificate?

Yes! If you are familiar with blockchain and Ethereum smart contracts you can contact us and we will work with you to transfer your certificates to your own personal wallet. One thing to note, however, is if you transfer the certificate to your own wallet there will be a slight charge + and gas fees […]

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Why are you using blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger system. The term decentralized has been tossed around quite a bit, and in negative light, but it is vitally important to transparency and authenticity. Because blockchain is decentralized, it means that the information minted to the ledge is the source of truth. No one entity or computer or company can […]

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What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a system that records information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger, that is replicated and distributed across a network of computer systems around the world. This means the data stored on blockchain is "decentralized" meaning anyone with an access to internet can view and verify the data anytime, anywhere. The information is also traced, so every interaction on chain such as a trade, sale, purchase, mint, etc is recorded and can be traced back to the original […]

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Protect Your Art Today!

We Are CertSeal

Certificates Of Authenticity you can trust meant for collectors, artists and investors!
Copyright 2023 CertSeal all rights reserved.