How do I accept a certificate of authenticity?

Have you been sent a certificate of authenticity? Congratulations! Accepting you new certificate is as easy as following the link in your email address. Step 1 Check your email address for an email from CertSeal titled "You have received a Certificate of Authenticity!". Check your spam folder if you do not see it in your […]

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How to transfer a certificate to a new owner

Transferring a certificate to a new owner is easy. In order to transfer a certificate to a new owner, the certificate must be minted to blockchain first. If your certificate is not yet minted to the blockchain, follow this guide to mint your certificate. Step 1 Navigate to the certificate you want to transfer. Ensure […]

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I created a certificate, how can I mint it to blockchain?

When you create a certificate it will first go through a review by a CertSeal team member. By default the certificate status will be "on-hold" The review process usually takes 2-5 business days, however, if you notice it is taking longer please reach out to [email protected]. Once your certificate is reviewed and approved, the certificate […]

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I made a mistake when creating a certificate!

If you just created the certificate and it is not approved yet, please reach out to [email protected] immediately and we will cancel the certificate from being minted and you can re-create the certificate with the correct information. If your certificate is already approved + minted to blockchain then unfortunately we cannot alter or change the […]

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How do I create a Certificate of Authenticity?

To create digital certificates of authenticity you first need to be an Artist or an agent/gallery manager role. When you sign-up you will have picked your role, if you chose "I am an investor/collector" you will not be able to create certificates. Reach out to [email protected] if you would like your role changed. Step 1: […]

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Certificates Of Authenticity you can trust meant for collectors, artists and investors!
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