How do I accept a certificate of authenticity?

Have you been sent a certificate of authenticity? Congratulations! Accepting you new certificate is as easy as following the link in your email address.

Step 1

Check your email address for an email from CertSeal titled "You have received a Certificate of Authenticity!". Check your spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox.

Step 2

Click "Accept your certificate" in the email address. This will lead you to where you can accept your certificate.

Step 3

The URL will lead you to a page where you can see the new certificate you are about to receive.

Step 4

If you already have an account, click "login" and login into your account. You will automatically accept and receive the certificate once you log in.

If you do not have an account, creating one is easy and free! Click "Register An Account" to create your account in seconds!

Step 5

When you register an account, your email will automatically be included and you will not be able to change this. This has to be the same email address that received the certificate transfer.

Enter in your username, and password in order to finish creating your account. Click "Register" when you are done. You will automatically be logged into your new account.

Step 6

Log in to your account to accept your certificate. There will be a brief loading screen as we migrate and write all of the blockchain data. Please do not navigate away from this page until the loading is finished. You will see a "success" message and will be redirected automatically.

Step 7

Congratulations, your new certificate will show up in your profile.

The provenance and ownership change will be automatically recorded in blockchain

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Certificates Of Authenticity you can trust meant for collectors, artists and investors!
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