Transferring a certificate to a new owner is easy. In order to transfer a certificate to a new owner, the certificate must be minted to blockchain first. If your certificate is not yet minted to the blockchain, follow this guide to mint your certificate.
Navigate to the certificate you want to transfer. Ensure that the certificate status shows "minted"
At the top of the page, click the "Actions" buttons to open up the dropdown actions and select "Transfer to new owner"
Click "continue" on the transfer screen.
Fill out the form, enter in the transfer type select from "Sale" "Donate" or "Transfer".
Enter in the email address of the new owner. Ensure that the email address is entered in correctly.
Click "Transfer Certificate Ownership" when you are ready. The user will receive an email with a link to accept the transfer. The link session will be active for a maximum of 24 hours so be sure to contact your customer to let them know they will need to accept the certificate.
Click here for instructions on accepting a certificate of authenticity from CertSeal.