
For Collectors

Always free $0
Own unlimited certificates
Unlimited transfers
List on the marketplace
Get started
Collectors cannot create certificates


For Artists

Always free $0
Own unlimited certificates
Unlimited transfers
List on the marketplace
Track certificates you created
Create 1 certificate per month
Include royalties
CertSeal royalty upon sale 5.5%
Get started
Special launch celebration price $5 /month
Starter bundle plus
Create 5 certificates per month
Online support
Royalties up to 2%
CertSeal royalty upon sale 5.5%
Custom branding
Get started
Special launch celebration price $15 /month
Premium bundle plus
Create 20 certificates per month
Online support
Phone support
Royalties up to 4%
CertSeal royalty upon sale 3.5%
Custom branding
Get started

Looking for more?

If your needs exceed our limits above please reach out to [email protected] for a custom tailored plan.
* There are no fees for listing or making offers on listings
* There is a protocol fee of 2% on all sales
* These prices are work in progress and may change without notice

Protect Your Art Today!

We Are CertSeal

Certificates Of Authenticity you can trust meant for collectors, artists and investors!
Copyright 2023 CertSeal all rights reserved.