We get it, there are way too many acronyms, but we're here to help
General Questions
What is a COA
A certificate of authenticity (COA) is a document that accompanies artwork and collectibles for the purpose of demonstrating that the item is authentic
If I have a problem, who can I contact?
If you encounter a problem while you are using our website / app, you can send us an email at [email protected] and we will reply as fast as we can!
How much does it cost?
Please visit our pricing page view our different pricing for creating certificates of authenticity. Collectors will always enjoy our app and ecosystem for free.
NFT Questions
Do I need a blockchain wallet?
No you do not. We strive to make our minting process as simple and easy as possible. You do not need a wallet or any crypto currency to mint out COAs.
Who owns the NFT?
You do! Although we mint and store all NFTs in our own vaults, we allow users to request their NFT certificates to their own wallet. Aside from the gas fees for transferring we do not charge users a fee to hold their NFTs in their own wallets.
Where is the certificate data stored?
The certificate is an NFT so it is minted directly to the blockchain. All of the other identifiable information lives in an IPFS public storage that is pinned around the world using pinata service. We use IPFS because it provides that same immutable features as blockchain to ensure our Certificates can never be altered.
Certificate Questions
How do I create a certificate?
Creating a certificate is easy, simply use our app to fill out information pertaining to your artwork. A detailed guide can be found in our knowledge base section.
Will my clients pay anything?
No, your clients will be able to accept their certificate upon transfer completely for free. They are also able to fully use our platform to manage their certificates and collections all for free including transferring and selling on the marketplace.
How do royalties work?
Artists that are enrolled in the premium or pro plans will have the option to set royalty fees when creating their certificates of authenticity. In the event the certificate sells on the CertSeal marketplace, the artist will receive royalty payments.
The current owner of the certificate is the only person that can list the certificate for sale on the CertSeal marketplace.
Royalties are paid in Ethereum and will require off-ramp back to fiat money. We are working to make this process easier and quicker for artists.